50/50 Raffle: and the winner is…

Congratulations to Fay MacDonald who won our 50/50 draw with ticket# C-1545. Thank you to everyone who participated in the draw. Your support will go to the Townsend Smith Foundation.

Cultural Considerations at End-of-Life 


A panel discussion on Cultural Considerations at End-of-Life was held on October 20 ,2022 at the Gellert Community Centre in Georgetown.  There were over 40 people in attendance for a very informative and interesting discussion about faith and cultural rituals, beliefs and practices at end of life. 

The panel included:  Rev. Steve Boose Minister at the Knox Presbyterian Church and Limeshouse Presbyterian Church, Iman Daood Butt, Director of Community Outreach and Education at the Islamic Community Centre in Milton, Harmohan Singh Parmar, Trust Secretary and Governing Official Halton Sikh Cultural Association and Rabbi Stephen Wise Shaari-Beth El Congregation, Oakville. 

Panel facilitator Kristina Tesser Derkson guided the panel through a number of topics including faith and cultural practices prior to and at death, support for individuals and their families, burial and cremation beliefs and practices, role and approach to suffering, grief support and perspectives on Medical Assistance in Dying. 

Townsend Smith Foundation would like to thank the panelists for participating and providing the attendees with new knowledge and insights about faith and culture and its intersection.  

Townsend Smith Hospice Foundation’s 1st Virtual Hike for Hospice

We want to rally community strength and raise funds to build the 1st hospice in North Halton. Because we believe every individual should have access to a dignified and caring end of life journey.

Safety is our priority. We encourage participants to complete a 5km hike, walk, bike or run and practice social distancing wherever you decide to take the challenge on Saturday, September 26, 2020 at 10:00AM.

Whether you find yourself on a trail, around the neighborhood or on a treadmill, we would love for you to join us.

Video Courtesty of Jordan Richards

Townsend Smith Foundation NOT-FOR-PROFIT of the Year

Townsend Smith Hospice Foundation is thrilled and extremely proud to be recognized as 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 through the Milton Chamber of Commerce. This is the inaugural year for this award and that makes it even more special. This award shows the amazing support from the community and strengthens our resolve to continue to bring a hospice to North Halton. Thank you to the Milton Chamber and Selection Committee for such recognition and this esteemed award.

[NOTE: View our acceptance from the 8:45 minute mark]

TSF Advance Care Planning Information Night

Townsend Smith Foundation, with the help of Knox Presbyterian Church and CARP Halton, held an Advance Care Planning information event on May 6th to advocate for changing our perspective on death and dying. Speakers Karen Candy of Carpenter Hospice and Carol Sloan of Acclaim Health spoke to over thirty guests. Karen discussed Compassionate Community and the importance of support and acknowledgment for the bereaved and grieving in our community; Carol encouraged us to plan for inevitable life events by communicating our wishes for personal care to those we love and trust. We had great participation in this complex discussion.

The photo shows (clockwise from top left)  guest speakers Carol Sloan of Acclaim Health and Karen Candy of Carpenter House Hospice, and TSF board members Tish Butson, Margaret Doma, and John Barrett. 

For more information on these topics, go to http://www.advancecareplanning.ca/ and https://www.insidehalton.com/opinion-story/6896407-burlington-s-compassionate-city-charter-will-reshape-way-we-perceive-death/