Cherished Memories
Hospice made losing Mike a little bit more bearable knowing he was well taken care of in his final days. Being able to walk through the door and feel like you're walking into your best friends home was amazing. Being able to be his wife again and not his caregiver...
Speak Up! Advance Care Planning and Compassionate Communities
Come and learn more about Compassionate Communities, and making your family and friends aware of your wishes and choices for care, from Karen Candy, Director, Carpenter Hospice, Burlington, and Carol Sloan, Director Palliative Care Consultation, Acclaim Health...
Townsend Smith Foundation Hosting Annual Hike for Hospice
Hospices are residential palliative facilities dedicated to the care of patients near the end of their lives due to life-limiting illnesses, and their families. The provincial government leaves their establishment up to communities. The Townsend Smith Foundation is...
Milton Drop-In Bereavement Support Group
Support groups provide a safe, compassionate place to talk, meet others who are also grieving, share ideas, receive support and learn about other community services. All support groups require registration. Milton Drop-In Bereavement Support Group - NEW! 2nd and 4th...
Kate Holmes discusses her role at Townsend Smith Foundation & the need for Hospice on Cogeco Halton
Remembering Peter Haight
Hospice advocate Miriam Haight believes that the time is now for a local hospice.