NORTH HALTON, ONTARIO, January 27, 2025 –The Townsend Smith Foundation (TSF) was delighted to learn that the Government of Ontario has approved funding for 3 additional hospice beds, bringing the support for North Halton’s hospice to 10-beds.

Townsend Smith Foundation looks forward to working with the government to finalize details and complete the necessary agreements to move this much needed capital health care infrastructure project forward”, shared Board Chair, Astrid Lakats.

The recent announcement further commits the government to work with Townsend Smith Foundation to complete early planning and design for this project. Once future planning is complete and the project is tendered and awarded, a construction schedule will be confirmed.

“The provincial announcement is important and helps to keep the necessary momentum going” shared Townsend Smith Foundation’s Executive Director, Kim Kohlberger. “Like other health infrastructure projects in the Province of Ontario there is an expectation that the community rally to raise a ‘community share, and to this end TSF is dedicated to the fundraising efforts necessary.

Townsend Smith Foundation recently unveiled the design for a state-of-the-art patient and family centred hospice to serve North Halton and beyond, and has projected that the organization will need to raise $25MM in order to build and operate the hospice residence.

Those wishing to learn more about hospice care for North Halton, the work of the Townsend Smith Foundation, or to offer support through a generous gift or as a volunteer are encouraged to visit https://www.townsend-smith.ca/donate/.

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About Palliative Care
According to the Global Atlas of Palliative Care, over 56.8 million people are estimated to require palliative care every year including 31.1 million prior to and 25.7 million near the end of life. The majority (67%) are adults over 50 years old and at least 7% are children. The majority (54%) are non-decedents who need palliative care prior to their last year of life. The burden of severe illness and health related suffering, and the corresponding need for palliative care, are immense. Yet palliative care is still not accessible to most people in need, especially in low and middle-income countries.

About Townsend Smith Foundation
Working vigorously since 2012, the Townsend Smith Foundation, TSF, is a registered charitable organization with a unique mandate to provide the supports and education to those interested in hospice care, in the last stages of living, or bereaved. Our meaningful projects include free seminars to raise awareness for the need and benefit of hospice palliative care, support for caregivers, children and will planning, group discussions of death through death cafes, and honouring those who have passed through candlelight ceremony. TSF volunteers consistently engage the community on hospice care and its needs in North Halton with a key objective being to raise funds to build hospice facilities in North Halton.

For further information at Townsend Smith Foundation please contact
Ms. Kim Kohlberger, Executive Director
admin@townsend-smith.ca I 289.878.3407