I cannot put into words the extreme gratitude I feel for Hospice. I did not even know what Hospice was. At the final stages of cancer, my very proud and strong mother was bedridden. She did not want to go to a hospital but even she knew she needed constant care. One of the day nurses mentioned Hospice to us and we immediately looked into it. My mother was able to move to the Dorothy Ley Hospice in Mississauga. It was the best decision we could have made. She felt more comfortable and safe knowing there was a nurse available if she needed one. I felt so relieved that she had the constant care.

The hardest thing for a daughter to go through is watching her parent slowly pass away. I couldn’t help her the way an experienced trained nurse could and I was so thankful that I could turn to those wonderful people to help my mother. The 24 hour care she received, the support, the friendliness were just exceptional. The whole atmosphere of the place was very peaceful and therapeutic. I was able to be with my mother 24/7 and even I felt comfortable there using the facilities available to family members.

I am so grateful that Hospice is out there and available for families. – Vesna D.